Generation Wild Outdoor Stewardship

During the pandemic, Colorado parks and trails saw record visits which is great. The not so great part was visitors ignoring Leave No Trace etiquette.

Typical signage at trailheads tend to be a lot of finger-wagging, don’t-do-this messaging and circle-with-a-line-through-it graphics. The opportunity was to educate kids, families and newbies with a friendlier and inviting tone. Something people would actually read.

The trash cans were wrapped with monster teeth and let out a “belch” when the lid closed activated by a solar-powered motion senser. Posters cut through clutter with bright, simple illustrations that reframed the rules.

Client: Great Outdoors Colorado
Agency: Sukle
Creative Director: Mike Sukle
Art Director: Jeff Euteneuer
Copywriter: Curtis Smith
Fabricator: Tim Sukle

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