Brand Identity, Logos & Marks

F/ : Identity for the design firm.

Red Rocks Park & Amphitheatre : Identity for the one and only.

Next : A weekly DJ event at The Church nightclub. Featured in Print Design Annual.

Vertebrae : A furniture design and maufacturer. Featured in Print Design Annual.

Mikey Powell : Identity for a signature lacrosse equipment line for Brine. Featured in Print Design Annual.

Crest : Identity for a real estate development.

Jinji Cyles : Local bike shop with a focus on mechanical service.

The Dog Cancer Fund : Identity for a corporate charity.

Copper : Identity for Copper Mountain’s terrain park.

Awkward Agent : A real estate marketing and planning startup.

The Bowery : A brewery located in uptown Minneapolis.

Mary Jane Resort : Thirty year anniversary mark.

XCIUS : Identity for an outerwear ingredient brand.